Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 24: + .6/Total Loss -20.2/ Oh well.

My weight has gone up, then down and then up again in the last three days.  If you're new to a juice fast, this happens.  I just have to hang in there.  It's only seven days until I eat solid food again.

I remember my last fast when I did sixty days. I didn't know what would happen when I bit into solid food for the first time. I suppose I was expecting heralding trumpets to begin as soon as I tasted the scrambled eggs. I assumed I would swoon in ecstasy as  if Daniel Craig was sitting across my me, wearing nothing but a..wait, a minute. I will leave it at wearing nothing.

But instead?  Absolutely nothing happened, except I was chewing instead of eating.  I didn't jump up and down in excitement.  I didn't call all of my friends and scream, "My mouth is so full and happy!"  I actually kind of lost interest in the dish very quickly.

That really shocked me.  Maybe my body was reminding me food is just food.  It's me who attaches any emotion to it.  And like anything, some emotions are good.  But, some emotions are very destructive.  Frankly, if I could choose,  I'd rather it be a  roller coaster concerning my weight loss, rather than a much scarier ride of emotions.

Day 23:  Living on juice/Up .6/total loss 20.2

Quote for the day:  "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt.

Pat Dennis
Corporate comedian and author:
Hotdish To Die For
Hotdish Haiku
Who Died In Here?
Stand-Up and Die
Anne Frasier's Deadly Treats 
The Silence of the Loons
Resort To Murder
Once Upon a Crime Anthology and more

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