Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 28: down .2/-24.8 total/ 2 more days!

I use to belong to a weight support group where we announced our loss or gain after a weigh-in.  If you stayed the same, the group would respond in unison, "At least it wasn't a gain."

Being on this juice fast, I have to remind myself the same thing when I have a tiny loss.  Losing weight on a JF, watching the pounds melt away quickly makes you spoiled.  I remember on my 60 day juice fast that I lost two pounds over night.  It was early on in the fast and I didn't realize the weight loss would slow down.  I quickly calculated that, if I did the same every day for the rest of my fast, I'd lose 116 pounds in 58 days.  I was actually disappointed the next day when I lost only 1.5 pounds.

Disappointed at 1.5 pounds in one day?  If I did that in a week on a regular diet, I'd be thrilled.

My original 60 day fast ended up in a 40.5 weight loss.  Know what?  If I did that in a year on any other diet, I'd be excited.  Was I disappointed that I didn't lose 116 pounds in 60 days?  Of course not.  In fact, I had forgotten about my misguided and over-the-top expectations until today.

For me, I've found the best way for me to lose weight, or do anything, is to start out being grateful and stay that way.  I originally had 100 pounds to lose when I started fasting, but  I was thankful I wasn't facing 101 or  even 401 pounds to lose. Why I never moved into the super-obese neighborhood is beyond my comprehension. I certainly tried.

My arms and legs may be chubby, but I have all of them and they work well.  I have a heart condition, but it is mild. And even at my age, my eyes must be perfect.  They can see a piece of  Toblerone within a one-mile radius.

Day 28:  Living on juice/Down.4/Total loss 24.8/

Quote for the day:  "When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around." Willie Nelson

Pat Dennis
Corporate comedian and author:
Hotdish To Die For
Hotdish Haiku
Stand-Up and Die
Anne Frasier's Deadly Treats 
and more

1 comment:

  1. Only two more days! That is great! I am on day 7 of a 10 day juice fast and the 3 days I have left seem like they will take quite a long time.
