Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 27: Down 1.2/ 24.6 Total loss/Don't Go In The Basement!

If you do, you'll probably see me.  Ever have one of those days when you want to avoid the world?  It's one of those days for me.  A hermit lifestyle always has always tempted me.  In my fantasy, I'd live in the woods, weave my own cloth, grow my own food, and have 'No Trespassing Signs' posted every three feet.  But, all of my plants die a quick death. If I did manage to make material from whatever, I would't know what to do with it. I can't even sew. My husband takes his shirts to the Sew What shop to have a button sewn on.  I've never, ever spent a night alone in the country because I would be terrified.  I can't even stay in a Marriott Hotel without shaking in my watched-too-many Oprah shows Ugh boots.

It's just that the thought of being a herman calms me.  It's sort of like a meditation.  My mantra is that when it all gets too hard, I could get away from it all, forever.  In three days, I will be able to get away from juice fasting for a while.  That thought calms me when I get a bit too anxious about not having solid foods.  But being on a juice fast is amazingly calming.  Maybe it's because all those chemicals, preservatives, food coloring are not racing through my body.

Or maybe it's because taking care of myself gives me a little peace.

Day 25:  Living on juice/Down 1.2/Total loss 24. 6/

Quote for the day:  "Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I  rebuilt my life." J.K. Rowling 

Pat Dennis
Corporate comedian and author:
Hotdish To Die For
Hotdish Haiku
Who Died In Here?
Stand-Up and Die
Anne Frasier's Deadly Treats 
The Silence of the Loons
Resort To Murder
Once Upon a Crime Anthology and more

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