Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 13: Down .4 but sick of only having juice

Actually, I think I am just simply tired.  Two nights with little sleep leaves me wanting nothing more than a trip to the French bakery.  Or brewing a thick cup of espresso (I am also off caffeine for the duration of the juice fast.)  Before I started fasting I would often eat for energy when I was hungry.   When exhausted, I would drift towards potato chips or french fries.  I craved salt constantly.  Even when I had it all day long. That alone could explain the quick weight loss in my first few days of having only juice made only from fresh fruits and juice. 

I am sure, when I wake up in the morning, I will feel more alive and positive. We all have these bad days. But for now, I am going to spend the evening moping and whining. Not as exciting as wining and dining, but a whole lot less calories.

Day 13:  living on juices/16 pounds lost

Quote for the day:  "You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one."

Pat Dennis
Hotdish To Die For
Hotdish Haiku
Who Died In Here?
Stand-Up and Die
and more

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